2014年4月18日 星期五


1.      書目記錄的功能需求把書目記錄分為幾個實體?彼此的關係為何?
3.1.1 第一組實體:作品、內容表達、載體表現、單件
第一組實體(如圖 3.1 所示)代表知識或藝術創作產品中用戶關心的不同方面。定義為作品(獨有的知識或藝術的創作)和內容表達(一部作品的知識或藝術的實現)的實體反映知識或藝術內容。另一方面,定義為載體表現(一部作品的內容表達的物理體現)和單件(一種載體表現的單一樣本)的實體則反映物理形式。

圖中說明的關係說明,一部作品可以通過一個或多個內容表達來實現(因而用作品到內容表達連線的雙箭號表示) 。另一方面,一個內容表達是一部且只是一部作品的實現(因而用內容表達到作品連線的反向單箭號表示)。一個內容表達可以體現於一個或多個載體表現;同樣,一個載體表現可以體現一個或多個內容表達。一個載體表現又可以以一個或多個單件為代表;但一個單件可以代表一個且只可代表一個載體表現。
3.1.2 第二組實體:個人、團體
第二組實體( 3.2 的粗線框內)代表那些對第一組實體的知識或藝術內容、物質生產與傳遞或者保管負有責任的物件。第二組實體包括個人(一個個體的人)和團體(一個組織或一群個人和/或組織)


3.1.3 第三組實體:概念、實物、事件、地點
第三組實體( 3.3 的粗線框內)代表一組附加的實體,它們表達作品的主題。該組實體包括概念(一個抽象的觀念或思想)、實物(一種物質的事物)、事件(一個行動或一件發生的事情)和地點(一處場所)

1.      試述國際編目原則聲明總原則的重要性
總原則 General Principles
2.1. 讀者的便利性Convenience of the user.在對著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式作出抉擇時應該考慮到讀者。
2.2. 通用性Common usage.在著錄與檢索中使用的詞彙應與大多數讀者所用的詞彙相一致。需通俗化
2.3. 表達性Representation.著錄以及名稱的受控形式應按實體描述其本身的方式來確定。發現錯誤並不能直接改正 ,可將改正放在附註項
2.4. 準確性Accuracy.應如實描述被著錄的實體。
2.5. 充分性與必備性Sufficiency and necessity.只應包含那些在著錄以及用以檢索的名稱的受控形式中對完成讀者任務所必需的,以及對唯一識別某一實體所必不可缺的數據單位。
2.6. 有意義Significance.數據單位應具有目錄學意義。
2.7. 經濟性Economy.當達到某一目標存在多種途徑時,應選擇整體經濟性最佳的途徑(即費用最少或方法最簡單)花最少的錢
2.8. 一致性與標準化Consistency and standardization.應盡可能實現著錄與確立檢索點工作的標準化。這樣能夠取得更大的一致性,從而提高共用書目數據與規範數據的能力。東西都一樣
2.9. 集成化Integration.各類文獻的著錄以及各類實體名稱的受控形式應在適用範圍內基於一套共同的規則。共同的規範


2.      試述資源描述和檢索的範圍與目的 0319
RDA provides a set of guidelines and instructions on recording data to support resource discovery. Rda是什麼

The data created using RDA to describe a resource are designed to assist users performing the following tasks:1 描述資源是協助讀者.
find—i.e., to find resources that correspond to the user’s stated search criteria
identifyi.e., to confirm that the resource described corresponds to the resource sought, or to distinguish between two or more resources with similar characteristics..
select—i.e., to select a resource that is appropriate to the user’s needs
obtain—i.e., to acquire or access the resource described.
The data created using RDA to describe an entity associated with a resource (a person, family, corporate body, concept, etc.) are designed to assist users performing the following tasks:2描述資源相關的實體是協助讀者
find—i.e., to find information on that entity and on resources associated with the entity
identify—i.e., to confirm that the entity described corresponds to the entity sought, or to distinguish between two or more entities with similar names, etc.
clarify—i.e., to clarify the relationship between two or more such entities, or to clarify the relationship between the entity described and a name by which that entity is known
understand—i.e., to understand why a particular name or title, or form of name or title, has been chosen as the preferred name or title for the entity.
RDA provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and instructions covering all types of content and media.
資源描述和檢索(RDA : Resource Description and Access)自許為新的編目標準,已經將完稿發交出版社印刷,將於2009年取代英美編目規則第二版。資源描述和檢索從幾個層面超越以往的編目規則,它是編目電子資源的基準,並更強調對使用者的協助,包括查找、辨識、選擇和取得所需的資訊。資源描述和檢索還支援書目記錄的叢集,顯示作品與作者的關係。這個重要的新特點是一項令人振奮的發展,讓使用者更清楚作品的各版本、翻譯或物理形式。

3.      試述資源描述和檢索的核心細目
  Title proper正題名
Statement of responsibility 
Statement of responsibility relating to title proper (if more than one, only the first recorded is required)  關於正題名之著者敘述
Edition statement
Designation of edition版本標示
Designation of a named revision of an edition修訂版標示
Numbering of serials 連續出版物編號
Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part of sequence (for first or only sequence) 連續性資源首期文/數字卷期編次
Chronological designation of first issue or part of sequence (for first or only sequence) 連續性資源首期日期編次
Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue or part of sequence (for last or only sequence) 連續性資源末期文/數字卷期編次
Chronological designation of last issue or part of sequence (for last or only sequence) 連續性資源末期日期編次
Production statement 生產敘述
Date of production (for a resource in an unpublished form) 製作日期
Publication statement 經銷敘述
Place of publication (if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 出版地 Publisher’s name (if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 出版者
Date of publication 出版日期
Distribution statement 製造敘述
Place of distribution (for a published resource, if place of publication not identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 發行地
Distributor’s name (for a published resource, if publisher not identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 發行者
Date of distribution (for a published resource, if date of publication not identified發行日期
Manufacture statement 集叢敘述
Place of manufacture (for a published resource, if neither place of publication nor place of distribution identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 製造地
Manufacturer's name (for a published resource, if neither publisher nor distributor identified; if more than one, only the first recorded is required) 製造者
Date of manufacture (for a published resource, if neither date of publication, date of distribution, nor copyright date identified) 製造日期
Copyright date
Copyright date (if neither date of publication nor date of distribution identified) 版權日期
Series statement
Title proper of series 集叢正題名
Numbering within series 集叢號
Title proper of subseries  附屬集叢名
Numbering within subseries 附屬集叢號
Identifier for the manifestation
Identifier for the manifestation (if more than one, prefer an internationally recognized identifier if applicable) 具體呈現識別符號
Carrier type
Carrier type載體類型
Extent (only if the resource is complete or if the total extent is known) 數量單位

Core Elements
When recording data identifying a work, include as a minimum the following elements that are applicable and readily ascertainable.
Preferred title for the work
Identifier for the work
The preferred title is the basis for the authorized access point representing the work. When constructing that access point, precede the preferred title, if appropriate, by the authorized access point representing the person, family, or corporate body responsible for the work (see 6.27.1).
If the preferred title for a work is the same as or similar to a title for a different work, or to a name for a person, family, or corporate body, differentiate them by recording as many of the additional identifying elements in the following list as necessary. Record these elements as separate elements, as parts of the access point representing the work, or as both.
Form of work
Date of work
Place of origin of the work
Other distinguishing characteristic of the work
When identifying a musical work with a title that is not distinctive, record as many of the following elements as are applicable. For musical works with distinctive titles, record as many of the following elements as necessary to differentiate the work from others with the same title. Record these elements as separate elements, as parts of the access point representing the work, or as both.
Medium of performance
Numeric designation
When identifying a bilateral treaty, etc., record the following element for both signatories. Record the element as a separate element, as part of the access point representing the work, or as both.
Signatory for a treaty, etc.
When recording data identifying an expression, include as a minimum the following elements that are applicable to that expression. Record the elements as separate elements, as parts of the access point representing the expression, or as both.
Identifier for the expression
Content type
Language of expression
Record as many of the additional identifying elements in the following list as necessary to differentiate one expression of a work from another. Record these elements as separate elements, as parts of the access point representing the expression, or as both.
 Date of expression
 Other distinguishing characteristic of the expression
When describing a cartographic expression, include as a minimum the following additional elements that are applicable to that expression.
 Horizontal scale of cartographic content
 Vertical scale of cartographic content

Include additional elements covered in this chapter and in chapters 6 and 7 according to the policy of the agency creating the data, or according to the judgment of the cataloguer.

